
(6 Total)

Creator is exactly Jennifer Bell
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Title Description Creator Presentation
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Hot Air Balloons Make hot air balloons with household materials. Jennifer Bell Both Oct 2, 2020 Low 30 $ 1 4 - 10
Paper Plate Hover Craft Make a hover craft out of household materials. This is a great extension activity to use with Rosie Revere, Engineer by Andre Beaty Jennifer Bell Both Oct 2, 2020 Low 15 $ 1 5 3 - 5
Easter Egg Rockets Explore chemical changes by creating a rocket using Alka Seltzer tablets and plastic Easter eggs. Jennifer Bell Both Sep 24, 2020 Low 20 $ 1 10 3 - 8
Vinegar and Baking Soda Bottle Rockets Explore thrust and chemical reactions using recycled materials and vinegar and baking soda. Jennifer Bell Both Sep 24, 2020 Low 20 $ 4 5 5 - 14
Extending Grabber Explore simple machines and scissor mechanisms by creating an extending grabber. This lesson can be used as a precursor to a hydraulics lesson. Jennifer Bell In-Person Sep 24, 2020 Low 30 $ 1 10 7 - 12
Pom Pom (Paper) Cannon Build a paper air cannon that can launch a pom pom Jennifer Bell In-Person Apr 12, 2020 Low 60 $ 7 60 7 - 12
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